April MacLean
Community Strategist for Sony Music, HubSpot Media, The Hustle, Late Checkout and many more.
Day 1 Framework
Learn the three-part litmus test that separates real communities from basic audiences
Day 2 Framework
Why you need to build attention before launching and how to do it effectively without being salesy.
Day 3 Framework
How to use the Value Venn Diagram to create perfect alignment between business goals and member needs.
Day 4 Framework
Why "we'll all pitch in" doesn't work and how to set up proper community management.
Day 5 Framework
Creating an effective conversion sequence that turns your audience into founding members.
Day 6 Framework
How to create a memorable launch experience that sets the right tone without overwhelming yourself or your members.
Day 7 Framework
The Goldilocks approach to community programming: not too much, not too little, just right.
"We were definitely thinking about platform wrong, and I think you saved us from making a huge mistake"
- Martin
"I actually snort-laughed reading the day 3 email and got coffee in my nose. Great analogy!"
- Kara
"Holy sh*t April, this is amazing content. Love the Moo cards idea. Wow!"