Master the 7 pillars of community in 7 days

"You should be charging for this"

(Advice we didn't follow)


Community is quickly becoming THE strategy for smart brands.


This is everything you need to start building a community; the why, who, where, and how. 


Each email is designed to give you simple, actionable frameworks you can use to start building your community today.


There is one proven way to scale both impact and revenue: Build a Community


"You should be charging for this"
(Advice I didn't follow)


A FREE, 7-day email course breaking down the proven system for building communities that drive revenue, retention, and real business impact.


If you want to build a brand that drives big change and big revenue, you're going to need a digital community.


Customers buy from you.

Community stays with you.


Consider the three types of relationships you can build: 


One to one is great for depth, but can't scale.


One to many is great for scale, but there is no depth.


Many to many is where depth meets scale. This is community.


This free course covers every pillar of community from platform to engagement. 


Each email is designed to give you simple, actionable frameworks you can use to start building your community today.


April MacLean


Community Strategist for Sony Music, HubSpot Media, The Hustle, Late Checkout and many more.

Day 1 Framework

Learn the three-part litmus test that separates real communities from basic audiences

Day 2 Framework

Why you need to build attention before launching and how to do it effectively without being salesy.

Day 3 Framework

How to use the Value Venn Diagram to create perfect alignment between business goals and member needs.

Day 4 Framework

Why "we'll all pitch in" doesn't work and how to set up proper community management.

Day 5 Framework

Creating an effective conversion sequence that turns your audience into founding members.

Day 6 Framework

How to create a memorable launch experience that sets the right tone without overwhelming yourself or your members.

Day 7 Framework

The Goldilocks approach to community programming: not too much, not too little, just right.

"We were definitely thinking about platform wrong, and I think you saved us from making a huge mistake"

- Martin

"I actually snort-laughed reading the day 3 email and got coffee in my nose. Great analogy!"

- Kara

"Holy sh*t April, this is amazing content. Love the Moo cards idea. Wow!"

- Kamila